The Spiritual War Against Judicial Corruption

The war against judicial corruption is a spiritual one that has always been fought in the conscience of humankind. Indeed, one of the first and foremost tasks of sovereigns since the beginning of time has been the establishment of judicial systems by which the governed can obtain justice regarding their disputes between one another. History demonstrates that from very early on, well before the birth of Christ, humanity has always understood at the spiritual level that justice can only be achieved through neutral and independent judges. That means through judges who don’t have an interest in the disputes they are deciding for the people.

Our judges in America today appear to have forgotten this lesson. Our federal judges appear to have backtracked on the progress our earliest human ancestors have provided mankind, humankind, in order to benefit themselves. The founders of this nation did not intend that federal judges would betray the people in this regard. For as one of the most illustrious of them wrote back then in urging that the Constitution be adopted, (at that point in history, which was well beyond the point where neutral judges had been required), James Madison wrote then was, and still applies today, “Justice is the end of government. It is the end of civil society. It ever has been and ever will be pursued until it be obtained, or until liberty be lost in the pursuit.” We in America need to restore systems of justice to this country. And now is the time to do so. Thank you.

-Scott Stafne