She Has Nothing

One of my neighbors lives outside. She’s homeless. I met her on a cold winter night sitting below a walkway at church. I urged her to seek shelter, but she refused. The woman mentioned she would lose her spot if she moved. She went on to describe how people would give her stuff, and then she’d be able to pass the items along to others who had nothing. Her statement didn’t make sense. She had nothing. Still, this was so important to her that she was willing to freeze to death to claim the space.I looked at the sleeping bags,…

From the Desk of Scott Stafne

For over 40 years I have been practicing law. As a 3rd generation lawyer I have the law in my blood. Today our system demands lawyers focus on making money, not pursuing justice. This does not work for me. “Justice is the end of government. It is the end of civil society. It ever has been and ever will be pursued until it be obtained, or until liberty be lost in the pursuit.” Federalist Paper No. 51. It is my judgment that both justice and liberty have been sacrificed to the greed of those who claim the people’s sovereignty, but…