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From the Desk of Scott Stafne

For over 40 years I have been practicing law. As a 3rd generation lawyer I have the law in my blood. Today our system demands lawyers focus on making money, not pursuing justice. This does not work for me.

“Justice is the end of government. It is the end of civil society. It ever has been and ever will be pursued until it be obtained, or until liberty be lost in the pursuit.” Federalist Paper No. 51. It is my judgment that both justice and liberty have been sacrificed to the greed of those who claim the people’s sovereignty, but care nothing about us.

Recently I lost my younger brother Todd. His untimely death affected me deeply. Reflection about his life and mine caused me to conclude: Life is too short to fight for justice case by case, person by person, in America’s corrupt courts, which in the 21st century often do not embrace justice as a goal of government.

It is important we the people of this nation and the world understand there is presently no hope for justice in United States’ courts because our government is addicted to obtaining money and power at the expense of justice and liberty. We need to surrender to this reality before we will be able to change it. How we can take back our country from the empire which has swallowed it is not clear. I suspect it will be by families and neighbors helping one another take back the local communities in which we live and then these same communities networking together to protect themselves.

Achieving justice will not come from aiming for money. In fact, making justice tilt toward money will insure America’s court system remains rigged and immoral. The Advocate’s Office for Church of the Gardens will continue to bring and collaborate with others in pursuing litigation consistent with the Church’s mission, which includes “to minister to and protect those in need such as the hungry, the sick, the poor, the homeless, the indebted, the enslaved, the vulnerable, and all others who are unfairly prevented from exercising their God-given natural rights.” You can view the Church of the Gardens’ complete mission statement by clicking here.

“I know there is a God, and that he hates injustice and slavery. I see the storm coming, and I
know that His hand is in it. If he has a place and work for me and I think he has, I believe I am ready.”
~ Abraham Lincoln